Cross Border Consulting

Cross Border Consulting is a research program which focuses on cross border opportunities between the Imperial Valley and Mexicali. The four-month research program will allow the students to conduct on-the-ground research between the two regions. The culmination of this program will result in high quality recommendations and information for businesses and organizations that are operating, or plan to operate, in the region.

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No expiration

Access to final report. Sponsorship recognition during presentations.

No expiration

Access to final report. Sponsorship recognition during presentations. One (1) mention on IVBRC and IVEDC social media.

No expiration

Access to final report. Sponsorship recognition during presentations. Company logo recognition on final report. Two (2) mentions on IVBRC and IVEDC social media.

No expiration

Access to final report. Sponsorship recognition during presentations. Company logo recognition on all research promotion and final report. Three (3) mentions on IVBRC and IVEDC social media.

No expiration

Access to final report. Sponsorship recognition during presentations. Company logo recognition on final report and on all material related to research. As many mentions on IVBRC and IVEDC social media as wanted.


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