This contribution will assist in providing support to girls who may lack the means to cover costs such as equipment, uniforms, cleats, travel expenses, membership fees, practice fields, league fees, tournament fees, grants and scholarships for women's flag football. We have over 70 girls in our program and over 300 girls in our league and tournaments.
Each player's annual cost will amount around to $3500, which remains under the average amount parents typically spend on their children for any sports.
Annually Itemize cost per player:
1. Equipment( Helmet, Gloves, Cleats ): $191
2. Travel Expenses ( 7 Out of State tournaments ): $1,239
3. Monthly Membership Fees: $840
4. Practice field Costs: $77
5. League Fees ( Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring ): $308
6. Tournament Fees: $777
7. Grants and Scholarship for College Contributions: $77