*10$ and more (+) donation will receive charitable receipt for taxes*
By donating to the LGBT+ Family Coalition, you support the organization's mission. Together, let's build a Quebec without homophobia, without transphobia and with much less heterocisnormativity* where all families are celebrated regardless of their composition or the ethnic origin or nationality of their members. Together, let's fight loneliness, help families form and make our society more inclusive.
Your donations will enable the LGBT+ Family Coalition to defend the rights of LGBT+ parents and their children, to raise awareness among the general population (particularly in the health, social services and education sectors), to break the isolation of LGBT+ families and to inform LGBT+ people about their options for becoming parents.
With $30, we can help a member understand their rights, we answer individual questions from a parent or a person in the process of starting a family.
With $50, we can organize a community-building activity in a park for LGBT+ parents to meet and their children to see families similar to theirs. This includes promotion, logistics, snacks, etc.
With $100, we can make sure that our content is up to date with the new laws, methods, and current health research.
With $300, we can organize a workshop on inseminations (home, fertility clinic, IVF), adoption or surrogacy to equip LGBT+ people wishing to start a family.
With $400-$1000, we can organize an activity in Mauricie, in the Eastern Townships, in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, in Bas-Saint-Laurent or in Gaspésie in order to break the isolation of our families. This includes transportation costs, communications, the activity itself and the development of local partnerships.
With $500, lots of love and volunteers, we can host a “Holiday Party” for all those families who have lost their extended family by coming out or choosing to have a child.
With $600, we can provide training to students in programs related to health, education or social services in order to sensitize them to the specific needs and realities of LGBT+ families.
With $1500, we create easy-to-use educational tools for teachers who wish to carry out awareness-raising activities with their students.
Thanks to you, families will be formed, parents will feel less alone, people will have their rights respected, governments will listen to the needs of LGBT+ parents and their children, schools and healthcare establishments will become more sensitive and inclusive. Together we will change lives.
* Heterocisnormativity: when it is taken for granted that heterosexuality and cisgender identities are “normal”, as opposed to homosexuality, bisexuality, trans or non-binary identities, etc.