Craig's Cause Pancreatic Cancer Society

Carla's Crusaders 5K

"You don't know how strong you are until being strong is the only option you have." 

~Carla Onslow

In 2019, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and told she had only weeks to live, Carla Onslow decided to fight the odds. She founded Carla's Crusaders, a group dedicated to raising awareness and funds in the battle against pancreatic cancer. 

In July 2021, the group hosted a walk event in Tiechko Beach, Good Spirit Lake, SK and raised over $35 000 for research, while spreading awareness about this terrible disease. Less than a month later, 2 years after diagnosis, Carla passed away. 

Since then, Carla's Crusaders have continued her mission to raise awareness and fund research, with over $60 000 raised since 2019. They hosted a run in Regina in 2022, and have another run/bike/walk event this year, on August 5th. 


What: A 5km event (walk, run, or bike) to raise awareness and funds for the fight against  pancreatic cancer! 

When: Saturday August 5th - 10:00AM

Where: 125 Lakeside Way - Tiechko Beach, Good Spirit Lake, SK

Distance: 5km OR whatever you'd like to do! 

No registration needed, just come on out and enjoy the day to celebrate Carla! 

Do 1km, 3km or 5km! Walk, crawl, run, bike! Whatever you fancy!

Can't participate in the walk? Stop by for the fundraising barbecue, opening at 11:30! 


Pancreatic cancer survival rates are among the lowest of any cancer, with 1-in-10 Canadians surviving just 5 years. 

This year, Craig's Cause Pancreatic Cancer Society is bringing together healthcare professionals for the National Pancreas Conference, an event focused on the field of pancreatic cancer and attended by healthcare professionals from across the country (and internationally!). 

At the conference, a $75 000 faculty research grant in memory of Carla will be awarded to a researcher focused on pancreatic cancer. Research is critical to improving the life of those currently fighting pancreatic cancer, and those diagnosed in the future. All amounts raised through this page and at this event will directly fund this grant. 

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