West Island Cancer Wellness Centre

Pasquale Cycles Canada

UPDATE June 10, 2024:

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your incredible support as I embarked on this journey to raise funds for theWest Island Cancer Wellness Centre. Your generosity and kindness have truly touched our hearts and filled us with immense gratitude.

When I set out on this mission, I never imagined the overwhelming response I would receive. Thanks to your unwavering support, I have come so close to reaching my initial fundraising goal. But something truly remarkable has happened along the way. The outpouring of support, love, and encouragement from each one of you has inspired me beyond measure. In light of this overwhelming response, I am thrilled to announce that I will be increasing my fundraising target over the next three months to $25,000. 

The West Island Cancer Wellness Centre is a beacon of hope for so many individuals and families living with cancer. By surpassing the initial goal, we can make an even greater impact on the lives of those in need. Every dollar raised will go directly towards providing essential services, support, and resources to those living with cancer.

So, why the increase? It's simple. Your incredible support has shown us that together, we can make a real difference in the lives of others. Your generosity knows no bounds, and I am continually humbled by your kindness. Let's continue this journey together and make an even greater impact on the lives of those who need it most.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for believing in this cause and for standing by our side every step of the way. Together, we are making a difference.

With heartfelt gratitude 



Hello Family and Friends,

In December 2008 I tore my quadricep muscle while tending goal in a recreational indoor soccer game. A severe injury that required surgery and a 6-month rehabilitation. Prior to the surgery I was a weekend cyclist riding a few hundred kilometers per year. My physiotherapist suggested I increase my cycling – an excellent exercise for building up quad muscle strength without too much strain. I ended up cycling 8000 km in 2010 (both in and outdoors). When I put that to google maps, I realized that I had essentially cycled across Canada; and that is when the idea was originally born.

Fast forward to March 2021, and I tore the OTHER quadricep muscle…. back to the same routine – I was determined more than ever to do ‘THE RIDE’ after rehab. Meanwhile, in mid 2021 my wife Chantal was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Needless to say, 2021 was not a good year for us!! After a few procedures, including surgery, it was off to radiation treatment for Chantal. It all happened so fast. While in treatment Chantal discovered the West Island Cancer Wellness Center. A place where she could go to exercise, consult with physiotherapists, and massage therapists, and do other well-being activities all free of charge. This helped her to rebuild her strength, both physically and mentally, in a comfortable environment.

“The West Island Cancer Wellness Centre, is a registered charity located in Kirkland, dedicated to providing programs and services to all those living with cancer throughout Canada. Their mission is to empower individuals to take an active role in their well-being, helping them live well with cancer. Their programs and services, which aim to complement traditional medical approaches, are offered FREE OF CHARGE to participants and their supporters as a result of fundraising efforts (they do not receive government funding)."

I believe that life is a circle; and when we receive, we should also give. This ride is my way of giving back.

The plan: to arrive in Vancouver in early June and cycle back to Halifax through Montreal. A trip covering approximately 5800 km. Riding at an average of 100 km per day; six days a week. Chantal will be in the support vehicle throughout the trip, which I expect to last a total of three months.

I’m up for the challenge!!

Thank you for supporting my ride AND the West Island Cancer Wellness Centre!


*A tax receipt for income tax purposes will be issued and sent to you by Zeffy immediately upon completion of processing of your donation.

Important note: you are under no obligation to contribute to "support the 100% free Canadian platform we use" (Zeffy) - you can simply scroll down to "Other" and enter a "0" in the "Contribution" field.

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