Miracle Moments Music Sharing Event
慶祝創作歌手 Caron Wong 參與歌曲創作 20 週年
In Celebration of Singer-Songwriter Caron Wong’s 20th Anniversary of Singing-Songwriting Journey
人生無常, 但亦處處充滿奇蹟。多倫多本地創作歌手 Caron Wong (黃老師) 為慶祝踏入歌曲創作旅程 20 週年, 會在 2024 年 9 月 8 日舉行一場音樂分享會。Caron 將會分享她充滿奇蹟的生命故事及演唱多首原創歌曲及中英文經典金曲。門票收益將全數撥捐本地多個非牟利團體 (包括 ALiVE 敬拜事工, 105 Gibson Centre 及其他機構), 以支持他們為社區服務。
Life is fragile yet full of miracles! Join local singer-songwriter Caron Wong (Ms Caron) for a miraculous afternoon on Sept 8, 2024 to enjoy creative music, classic English & Chinese songs, and heartfelt stories. All ticket proceeds will be donated to local non-profit organizations (including ALiVE Worship Ministry, 105 Gibson Centre and other organizations) in order to support their meaningful work for the community.
門票 Tickets: VIP $55, $35, (團體票 Group Tickets $30)
查詢新移民優惠及更多詳情,請與我們聯絡: For newcomer discounts & more info, please contact us:
這次音樂分享會的網上購票平台為 Zeffy, 門票金額將由 Canada Integrated Consulting Inc. 加拿大綜合顧問公司代收,並會於稍後時間作出捐獻及在各社交媒體公佈所有受惠機構名單及捐獻金額。
The online ticket sales platform for this event is Zeffy. Ticket proceeds will be collected by Canada Integrated Consulting Inc., which will be donated to local non-profits organizations at a later time. The name of all beneficiaries and the donation amount will be announced on social media.
About Canada Integrated Consulting Inc. 關於加拿大綜合顧問公司
**Canada Integrated Consulting Inc. 加拿大綜合顧問公司致力以音樂及教育服務社會, 旗下的品牌包括 Musicabulous Music Group 星揚妙韻, Global Cantonese 環球廣東話, 及 Sing Cantonese 齊唱廣東歌等等。如果大家想收到未來的活動資訊,請提供你的電郵地址並同意我們可以與你聯繫,我們將會把資料電郵給大家。謝謝。
**Canada Integrated Consulting Inc. strives to serve the community through music and education. Musicabulous Music Group, Global Cantonese and Sing Cantonese are part of the company. If you would like to receive information about future events, please provide your email address and give us consent to contact you. We will send you the details through emails. Thank you.
About Zeffy 關於Zeffy
**Zeffy 是一個完全免費的網上購票平台, 專門為非牟利機構及非牟利的活動提供免費的網上購票服務。當你在這個平台購票並選擇了某一種票價之後, 會有一項額外的金額自動顯示在你選擇的票價之下, 邀請大家捐出票價的 15%-20% 去支持Zeffy, 並會把這款項包括在購票的總金額裏。但你可以選擇 “其他” (Other), 並更改你想捐款支持 Zeffy 的金額。如果你只想以音樂會原本的票價購票, 請在 “其他” (Other) 的空格上寫上$0。
**Zeffy is a completely free online ticketing platform for non-profit organizations and non-profit events. When you want to buy tickets and select a ticket type, a suggested donation of 15%-20% of the ticket price will be automatically shown and included in the final price. You may change the donation amount by selecting "Other" in the dropdown menu and put any amount you wish to support Zeffy's meaningful work. To pay for the original ticket price without contributing to Zeffy, please choose "Other" and put $0.
Please check and make sure the total amount is what you intend to pay before checking out.
***免費網上購票平台 Zeffy 是專門為非牟利機構及活動提供服務。在你購票時, Zeffy 會邀請你捐出票價的 15%-20% 去支持他們的工作, 你可以選擇 “其他” (Other), 並更改捐款金額。如果你只想以音樂會原本的票價購票, 請選擇 “其他” (Other), 並在空格上寫上$0.***
***Zeffy, the free online ticketing platform for non-profit organizations and events, will invite you to donate 15%-20% of the ticket price to support their work. You could change the donation amount by selecting "Other". If you would like to pay for the original ticket price without donating to Zeffy, please select "Other" and put $0.***
On behalf of all beneficiaries and Zeffy, we thank you for all your support!