Monarch Butterflies are threatened. They only lay their eggs on milkweed.
No milkweed - No Monarchs.
Loss of milkweed across the monarch range is one of the greatest threats facing the monarch population today. Large-scale agricultural development, urbanization, and the widespread/excessive use of herbicides as well as herbicide-resistant crops are the primary causes of milkweed decline and subsequent monarch population decline.
EBC distributes Milkweed seed every year to children and adults who want to help provide nesting and nourishment for Monarch butterflies.
To receive a your milkweed package, register for your milkweed seed ticket here.
The seeds and postage are FREE but a donation to help grow this effort would be really appreciated.
In your package you can expect milkweed seeds and planting instructions.
The action taken by each of us determines the future of the Monarch. It's a team effort.
Join EBC's team and help us fight to SAVE THE MONARCHS!