PCSBV July Volunteer Wellness Series
The PCSBV’s Monthly Volunteer Wellness Series is a PCSBV volunteer-led series that offers an opportunity for volunteers to come together, while sharing knowledge and tools for self-care and wellness.
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PCSBV July Volunteer Wellness Series

Event closed

PCSBV July Volunteer Wellness Series: Yoga and Mediation

Date: July 24th, 2024 

Time: 7:00 to 8:00pm 

Location: In person at the Banff Fenlands Recreation Centre  - 100 Mt Norquay Rd #2F, Banff 

Speaker: Gill Symons

The PCSBV’s Monthly Volunteer Wellness Series is a PCSBV volunteer-led series that offers an opportunity for volunteers to come together, while sharing knowledge and tools for self-care and wellness. 

More about our speaker: 

Gill is IAYT trained yoga therapist and is passionate about sharing the tools in yoga that allow individuals to be more resilient as they face injury, illness, and life’s changes.   


For this series Gill will focus on "developing a meditative state" and share techniques on thoraco-abdominal breathing. The group will participate in movements integrated with breath and Gill will also teach some beginner friendly meditations. We will also participate in a fun break in between the yoga practices to move and enjoy music. 

If you need assistance or further information please call 403 707 7111 or email info@pcsbv.ca.

Thank you!