Ride with Heart, Inspire Valour
Eight Ways to Get involved:
1) Be Part of the Three Day Ride/Drive Event!
June 7-8 -9 2024
Includes: Swag Bag, 2 nights hotel, Friday dinner, Saturday lunch, Sunday dinner, 2 coffee breaks with snacks, 1 gala dinner ticket & 1 Blueberry Mountain Commemoration +BBQ ticket - $399/person
(Based on double occupancy)
2) Be part of the ride drive event but get your own accommodations for both nights: $275/PP
3) Take part in the Gala Dinner & Dance
June 8, 2024 $125 per person or $225 per couple
$900 per table
4) Take part in the Dedication Ceremony and BBQ Luncheon in Blueberry Mountain June 9, 2024 -
$20 Ticket includes BBQ Luncheon
5) Raise Funds on the Zeffy Platform
6) Stop in to donate at one of the many Legion stops or our events over the three days.
7) Be out on the highway cheering the CF Bus and all of the supporters who are heading out to Remember
D-Day, the Battle of Normandy, and to honour Col James Riley Stone, Founder of the Military Police Fund for Blind Children and the Veterans of Blueberry Mountain.
8) Donate directly to either or both
To learn more visit