Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is internationally recognized on November 20th every year. This day was set aside to memorialize those who were killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. This concert will honour those we have lost, lift up those who are struggling, celebrate gender euphoria, and recognize the continued fight for safety and equity of trans, non-binary, and gender diverse people throughout the world.
Join us after the concert as we strengthen our community over a soup-and-bread dinner.
The concert will be approx. 50 mins, with the dinner starting at approx. 6:30pm. Dinner is included for all audience members, volunteers, and performers, and will include gluten free, dairy free, and vegan options.
The Carleton Dominion Chalmers Centre is a wheelchair accessible space.
For more information about access, parking, and transit, please visit
Please contact if you have any questions.
Ticket costs are "Pay What You Can"; please choose the amount that works for you.