Northwest Territories Highland Dancers' Association
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North of 60° Highland Dance Competition 2024

48 Taylor Rd, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3X2, Canada


Northwest Territories Highland Dancers’ Association presents: 

North of 60° Highland Dance Competition & Workshop

Ecole Allain St-Cyr

48 Taylor Road, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

August 3-4, 2024

Judge: Nicole Odo, Fredericton


Online entries only.

Opening Date: May 28, 2024

Closing Date: July 10, 2024 (Late entries will not be accepted)


Morning registration will start at 8:30am. Morning dances will begin at 9:30am and be directly followed by the choreography competition. Morning awards will take place before lunch. Afternoon registration will start at noon.


Pas de bas

Pas de bas & Highcuts
Fling (4)


Fling (4)

Seann Triubhas (3&1)

Lilt (4)

Flora (4)


Fling (4)

Seann Triubhas (3&1)

Barracks (4)

Laddie (4)


Fling (4)

Seann Triubhas (3&1)

Blue Bonnets (4)

Village Maid (4)

Solo/Duet Choreography Competition

Group Choreography Competition

Lesley Mackay Memorial Dance Off:

Premier dancers who place 2nd in the Blue Bonnets will automatically be entered into the dance off. Dancer will perform another 4 step Blue Bonnets to determine the winner of the Lesley Mackay Memorial Trophy as selected by the judge. 


Midnight Fling Demonstration Event - Dancers are invited to get up and dance a fling at midnight with us! Details will be emailed to all who register. Open to anyone (parents, siblings, teachers, friends are welcome to participate. Please indicate the number of people in your party when signing up). This is not an adjudicated event. Commemorative gifts will be given to participants.


Pre-premier Workshop 10:00-11:00am

Premier Workshop 11:30-12:30pm

General Rules & Regulations

  1. All competitors must present their current 2024 RSOBHD registration card to receive awards and must remain in full costume for all award presentations. Failure to present 2024 RSOBHD registration card will result in a fee of $10.00 and awards will be withheld until such time as the card is produced. Awards can be mailed at the cost of the recipient.

  2. No one other than designated Competition Committee members shall communicate with the judges.

  3. Protests must be in writing, signed and handed to the Competition Committee before the end of the competition with a $35.00 fee. This fee is refundable if sustained.

  4. Entries are accepted online only beginning May 28, 2024 and no entries will be accepted after July 10, 2024.

  5. All fees are non-refundable.

  6. Please direct all inquiries to: [email protected].

  7. The committee reserves the right to combine or split classes. 

  8. Dancers will dance in reverse order of receipt of entry (first to enter, last to dance)

  9. Medals and trophies will be awarded for all categories, however, no trophy will be awarded for Primary.

  10. Cash prizes will be awarded to the oldest Premier group: 1st-$30; 2nd-$25; 3rd-$20; 4th-$15; 5th-$10; 6th-$5.

  11. The scoring system set by the RSOBHD will be in effect: 137, 91, 71, 53, 37, 23.

  12. Awards will be given out to half the number of dancers dancing (rounded up) to a maximum of 6 placings.

  13. Any dancer requiring a change in classification must notify the competition committee prior to Aug 1, 2024.

  14. Classification changes will not be accepted on the day of competition.

  15. Choreography winners will be awarded medals.

  16. The Midnight Fling will take place, weather permitting, and is a demonstration only. It will not be adjudicated, nor will it count toward any aggregate totals. Participation prizes will be given.

  17. Dancers must be dressed appropriately at all times.

  18. Dancers and parents must respect the ScotDance Canada Risk Management Guidelines, local, Territorial and Federal health authority directives, and the RSOBHD Code of Ethics.

  19. Solo, Duet and Group Choreography must be primarily highland dance and a maximum of 2 minutes in length. Costumes, music and theme should be Scottish/Celtic in nature. Song files (mp3) must be submitted electronically by no later than Aug 1, 2024 to: [email protected]

This event is being held in compliance with all provincial health and safety orders in effect at the time of the entry being posted, as well as facility requirements for Covid-19. Our goal is to provide a safe, calm, inclusive and positive environment for all participants. We appreciate unexpected situations could arise on the day that may require action that is meant to protect our dancers, judges, volunteers and other participants.

Covid-19 Guidelines:

  1. Public Health requirements will be continuously evaluated, and participants will be informed of any Covid-19 protocols prior to the event through social media and email.

  2. For all participants attending sanctioned events, generally, there will be 4 guidelines we encourage participants to follow in the absence of any local, provincial, or national government health orders:

    1. wearing a mask for your own protection and of others

    2. maintain physical distancing wherever possible

    3. sanitizing hands often

    4. staying home if you feel sick

  3. Upon registering for this event and immediately prior to the event, you agree to the requirements and recommendations of any National, Territorial and local Public health and other governmental authorities, as well as any requirements from the facility which may be in effect at the time of the event as it pertains to the Covid-19 Coronavirus, and to adopt all necessary measures to those effects.

  4. Participants are required to agree to the COVID-19 Other Contagions General Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability at the time of registration.

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