Payment for respite or camps

You can use this platform (Zeffy, formerly Simplyk) to pay for a participant's respite or camps with a credit card or with GPay.

This platform is completely free; Zeffy will ask you for a contribution and you can replace the suggested 10% with No contribution or Other and choose a certain amount (which can be zero) at your discretion.

If you prefer to send a check by mail made out to La Maison de répit La Ressource, our address is:

"9281 14th Avenue, Montreal, QC H1Z 3N4"

Thank you.

The administration of La Maison de Répit La Ressource

Day respite at $35 (Ratio 2:1)
You choose the number of days you want to pay for. Of course, you must have agreed with the respite house on the respite days on which the participant is admitted.
Day respite at $45 (Ratio 1:1)
You choose the number of days you want to pay for. Of course, you must have agreed with the respite house on the respite days the participant is admitted to.
Summer Camp 2025 (Ratio 2:1)
You choose the number of weeks you want to pay for ($35*5 days). Of course, you must have an agreement with the respite house regarding the camp days the participant is admitted to.
Summer Camp 2025 (Ratio 1:1)
You choose the number of weeks you want to pay for ($45*5days). Of course, you must have agreed with the respite house on the days of camp the participant is admitted to.
Membership Card 2025 - 2026
Each year, between February and April, you must pay your membership card. Please do not forget it. The membership card is mandatory for a participant to come to the respite house.
T-shirt 2025
T-shirt with our logo, to wear at the camp.
Sunscreen for camp
Night respite with 2 nights (Ratio 2:1).
You choose the number of weekends you want to pay for. Of course, you must have an agreement with the respite home on the weekends the participant is admitted.
Night respite with 2 nights (Ratio 1:1).
You choose the number of weekends you want to pay for. Of course, you must have agreed with the respite home on the weekends the participant is admitted.
Here you can pay a balance that is a multiple of $5.
Add a donation for Maison de répit La Ressource
Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!