Here at Wesley, we LIVE Jesus’ greatest commandment… to “love thy neighbor”. We have a food pantry that feeds over 1,000 people a month, a Clothing Closet that offers gently used clothing for little to no cost to the community as well as a thrift store, where we offer quality items for low cost to all of our shoppers!
Another way we serve the community is by hosting between 10 to 12 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings each and every week!
Your tithes and/or donation will help to fund all of these beneficial programs, as well as assist in basic needs for the church, like keeping the lights on and the water running. Perhaps you want to contribute to some other needs such as our yearly apportionments and insurance dues. Simply designate your choice. You tell us how you want your donation uses. By funding our beloved community, you ensure that Wesley can to continue to do the Lord’s work. Thank you in advance for your generosity, love and support.