Friends of the Catholic Bíblical Federation is a non-profit, voluntary organization that serves the Catholic Biblical Federation and its member institutions.
Through this campaign we want to collect economic resources to help in the financing of the LectioYouth.Net Project.
LectioYouth.Net is a Catholic program for systematic reading and study of the Word of God. It is intended for groups and individuals, particularly the youth in Africa and Madagascar.
The primary goal of LectioYouth.Net is to facilitate the encounter with the word of God through Bible study groups, especially for youth. It is devoted to systematic and regular study and reflection on the Word of God, in order to be guided and transformed on both the personal and local community level. Since it is intended primarily but not exclusively for the Catholic community, its primary, but not exclusive, beneficiary is the Catholic community.
LectioYouth.Net follows the Catholic liturgical calendar of Africa and Madagascar providing biblical study materials and resources for the Sundays and Feasts of the liturgical year.