This fundraising campaign will be used exclusively to fund the educational journey for Noor, an amazing young woman living in Kabul, Afghanistan, who dreams of resuming a stellar university education in data science that was cut short by the government. Every dollar that is donated will go toward that effort.
UPDATE: She will begin her studies in a couple weeks!
I first met Noor (meaning "light" in Arabic) a few months ago when she reached out to my nonprofit, Women & Girls Education (WAGE) International, asking for help. At the time, this highly intelligent woman who was first in her class in both high school and university was searching for an institution in a place absent of violence and oppression that would not only accept her as a student but also fund her education because of her family's limited finances. In addition to blocking girls from school and requiring additional levies, the government also took away her father's pension, leaving him to work a menial job just to make ends meet.
Under Taliban rule, girls in Afghanistan are now prohibited from attending school past sixth grade. Women are banned from universities and from working at most jobs. They have no voice, political or otherwise. They cannot leave their homes without a male chaperone.
Despite being housebound for the past three years (except for the one time she left with her younger brother in hopes of getting transcripts and records, only to be met by guns and threats in her face), hearing of girls committing suicide and having only a few hours of electricity each day, she is determined that she can make life better for not only herself but also her parents and siblings. She is amazingly hopeful and compassionate with no cynicism. In fact, she is also working on finding opportunities for her siblings as well, all while applying to more than a dozen universities throughout the world!
Since then, Noor has secured acceptance at a university as well as the funding needed to study in the United States, which includes a scholarship from WAGE. But her next step is to begin the arduous, dangerous and costly journey from Kabul to Islamabad, Pakistan, to the U.S. This means getting two visas, interviewing and flying to the U.S. by herself.
I feel honored to know Noor and have no doubt that she will change the world one day. She has taught herself four languages and is currently working on German!
Noor's journey toward making the world a better place has been put on hold, but with your help, she can restart it. I've outlined her expenses below so that you understand the magnitude of what is ahead for her:
Right now, the journey seems insurmountable, but with your help, you will be part of making her dream come true and giving her the educational opportunity she deserves. Once Noor is safely here in the U.S., I will share more of her story with you! Thank you so much for your generosity and for being part of the change!