Any amount you'd like to donate. EVERY bit helps. Registration fees do not cover all the costs; we could not offer this program without you!
Our sponsors help fund A.Y.S.O. Region 1231's field fees, soccer goals, cones, balls, etc. as well as keep registration fees low. They also help kids who would have not been able to play without a sponsor.
Sponsors help ensure every child has the opportunity to play A.Y.S.O. soccer by donating today. Studies have shown that children benefit physically and behaviorally by playing youth sports. A child that is physically active at a young age is more likely to continue being active into adulthood. Sports help build self-esteem, team work, confidence, self-discipline, leadership opportunities, self-worth, time management... in short, sports help build tomorrow's leaders.
A.Y.S.O. ... it's the start of something special.