We continue to stir imaginations through dance with your support.
We are back, but we are looking forward! Forward, approaching four decades of dance, now in our 39th anniversary. We are grateful to be thriving, and the Stephen Petronio Company has you to thank.
Our premiere of “Breath of the Beast” at NYU Skirball had the most incredible collaborative team, the marvelous Jennifer Koh – a firebrand with immeasurable focus. Her improvisational score and performance grounded the evening in an incredible sonic experience, while Michelle Rhee’s mercurial silver costumes perfectly matched master designer Ken Tabachnick’s glorious lighting. And, of course, there are no dancers like Petronio dancers — brave, voracious, and committed to discovering the moment in real-time!
We are back and hope you will support our continued resurgence. Dance is ephemeral, but we reach for moments that resonate in thought, emotion, and elevation. We do similarly with all our programs: arts education for youth, residencies, licensing and setting works, and master classes. We are iconic and historical in process and approach. We have so much more to accomplish for the many we touch.
Thank you for your friendship and support.
Stephen Petronio Company is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. For more information, please contact Cassandra Stern, General Manager at cassandra@petron.io.
Photo by Sarah Silver.