Purchase of a customized striking black-granite plaque, to honor an individual Lion or Lions Club, will adorn the monument walls located directly behind the Spire on the four-acre Memorial park grounds. This purchase will be used to support, maintain and expand the Melvin Jones Memorial, birthplace of our founder, Melvin Jones. Located at Fort Thomas, Arizona, the Melvin Jones Lions International Memorial was erected and dedicated in 1965. This came years after a movement by the Arizona Lions to find a way to honor the birthplace of Melvin Jones, founder of one of the largest humanitarian service organizations in the world, “LIONS INTERNATIONAL”.
In June 1999 the Lions International Board gave the prestigious fifty-foot spire recognition as an International Shrine.
On several occasions before his passing, Melvin visited the site of his birth and participated with the Arizona Lions groups who laid the foundation for the memorial now honoring his name. All Lions have an opportunity and
commitment to maintain and support this historic site.