You can fund a student's music education by donating as little as $5 every month. With your donation you will:
- Contribute into a student's expenses who receive free music education from YMA
- Support YMA directly to allow us serve our community
- Help transform Alamance County through excellent young musicians
Your donations can help us hire new teachers, increase the number of classes and the hours during the week, pay a fair rate to our staff members, and create more resources for our students and the community. They can also provide food and snacks for students, new instruments, a year-long music education, and transportation. With your help, Young Musicians of Alamance can become an integral resource to the community.
$7,800 - This is how much it costs to provide music education for 6 hours a week that includes orchestra, wind band, general music/modern band, percussion, ukulele, percussion and piano classes. This cost includes teaching artist pays, snack and lunch expenses as well as monthly staff who are working behind the scenes to make the 6 hours of education count.
$1,850 - Our program is completely free for students who would not be otherwise afford this education. You can choose to provide music education for a student for a year by donating this amount.
$240/$400 - $240 buys healthy snacks for 60 students for 1 month, 2 months for 30 students. $400 dollars buys healthy lunches on Saturdays for 1 month.
$155 - This amount sponsors 1 student for 1 month.