Haitian Orphans Wish (H.O.W.) welcomes individuals, businesses, and organizations interested in supporting our mission and programs. Recognized as a charitable organization under U.S. Code 501(c)(3), your contributions are eligible for tax deductions.
If you decide to contribute to our cause, we want you to know that 99% of your donation directly benefits the orphanages and other programs we support. With meticulous financial stewardship, we ensure that virtually all funds, apart from minor operational expenses and expenditures aimed at fundraising, reach our intended beneficiaries. Our commitment to efficiency means we strive to minimize overhead costs, guaranteeing maximum impact for every dollar donated.
It's important to note that none of our members receive salaries; instead, we volunteer our time and resources wholeheartedly. From donating food, desserts, and raffle prizes at our events to even covering our expenses to attend fundraising gatherings, we prioritize the well-being and support of charitable programs above all else.