Israel Lacrosse Association

Grace Burns. Women’s National Team


Hebrew Name/Nickname: Chana

Position: Defense


How did you get involved with Israel Lacrosse? I became involved with Israel lacrosse last summer on a birthright trip through Israel lacrosse. Being on the trip let me experience Israel in an unimaginable way, while helping me form connections with Jewish lacrosse players from all around the world. 

What does being Jewish/playing for Team Israel mean to you? Playing for team Israel gives me the opportunity to connect with other Jewish athletes and further Jewish representation in sport. Growing up in and around lacrosse, I never had the opportunity to play with others that shared my same identity. Often times being the only Jewish kid on my athletic teams. 

What are you most looking forward to in representing Team Israel this summer? This will be my first time representing team Israel women's lacrosse and I am super excited! I had the opportunity to play on the Israel Women's box lacrosse team this past fall and playing with teammates that all share a common culture was incredible. Playing with this team and representing this country reminds me just how special Israel is to me.

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