Hebrew Name/Nickname: perry
How did you get involved with Israel Lacrosse?
I got involved with israel lacrosse thanks to a good friend of mine, She actually heard about lacrosse through the school visits that Israel Lacrosse doing throughout the country. She told me that I had to go to trial practice and since then I fell in love with the sport.
What does being Jewish/playing for Team Israel mean to you?
As a Jew who grew up in Israel and currently serves in the IDF, Being able to play for the Israeli national team and represent my country means a lot to me and makes me feel so proud.
What are you most looking forward to in representing Team Israel this summer?
I look forward to representing my country again on an international stage, And play with my amazing teammates.
What is your favorite Israel Lacrosse memory or moment?
My favorite memory from my 5.5 years with Israel Lacrosse is the U21 European Championship held last year in Prague, It was my first time playing lacrosse in another country against different teams, It was an amazing experience and it helped me to improve as a lacrosse player.
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