Kingdom Authority Ministries Outreach

KAMO General Fund

Thank you for your generous giving! 100% of your giving to our general fund will be used in the best way to benefit our community of neighbors in several areas of services. If you would like to designate your gift to a specific cause, please click on it below. Consider a recurring gift to support to further our cause. 

- The Phyllis B Price Memorial Scholarship Fund for deserving, determined students of color who are underrepresented persons studying a STEM or Arts degree program. 

- Ruth’s Portion Food Outreach to local families experiencing food insecurity 

- Divine Health Healing & Wellness to families at risk for chronic diseases prevention 

- Spreading the Good News We preach and teach God's plan, which is not evil but for an expected end, with signs and wonders following, for individuals and families to be blessed, healed, saved, and made free

- Consulting to help community leaders and neighbors launch or scale a business or organization, start a non-profit, become property owners, plan for financial freedom for next level blessings

- Tithe if would like to tithe to KAMO, give a tenth of your earnings

Thank you in advance for your generosity in supporting the KAMO mission and vision love like Jesus loves and change more lives.

May God richly bless you.  

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