Psykout Inc.

Goodbye, Doctor

Psykout! Is honored to announce that our first ever production will be Goodbye, Doctor, a play written by the internationally renowned author and psychoanalyst Betty Milan.

The play tells the story of Seriema, a Brazilian woman descended from Lebanese immigrants. After miscarrying twice, Seriema divorces her husband and flees her native Brazil for Paris. There, she encounters the famous psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, and the two begin an in depth analysis of Seriema. Soon, Seriema uncovers fantastic secrets buried in her unconscious mind, and Lacan, the seemingly indefatigable psychoanalyst, reveals his own inner turmoil. All the while, Seriema, The Doctor, and the audience are challenged by "The Voice", a manifestation of the unconscious that burrows into their souls and uncovers their deepest emotions, and by Maria, Seriema's mother figure and spiritual guide. By the end, both analyst and analysand reckon with the conflict brewing within their own unconscious.

Goodbye Doctor had a reading at the Brazilian Consulate in NYC on September 17th. We are incredibly grateful to the Consulate for their official support of our project. We will be performing at the Jeffrey and Paula Gural Theatre from October 24th through November 3rd. Tickets are on sale now! Click here to purchase!

As this will be our first ever production, we are asking for your support to help us bring Goodbye, Doctor to the stage. Your donation will help us cover:

  1. Production Costs: Venue rentals, set design, costumes, lighting, and sound equipment, allowing us to bring our productions to life.

  2. Artist Support: We are committed to compensating our talented artists fairly for their time and expertise. Your donation will enable us to pay actors, directors, designers, and other creative professionals, supporting their livelihoods and artistic endeavors.

  3. Community Outreach: Psykout! believes in making theatre accessible to all. Your support will help us implement outreach programs, community collaboration, and discounted tickets, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to experience the transformative power of new theatre, regardless of financial barriers.

Lastly,  your generosity will not only help sustain our team, but it will allow us to inspire our communities with a fascination with the awesome potential of science, and a love of learning.

To thank you for your fantastic support, we have several tiers of perks for donors! Click here to see all of our awesome perks!

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Psykout!

Best wishes,

Ian Melamed, President of Psykout!

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