Theatre 121, inc

Donate to Storybook Players

Storybook Players, a division of Theatre 121 Encore!, was created to bring enchanting, quality plays to young audiences and families, providing live theatre experiences that are often out of reach. Our mission is to spark a lifelong love of the arts and bring joy to all ages.

Over the years, Storybook Players has evolved to feature captivating original scripts with storybook themes, performed by our talented members. Audiences delight in both original tales and fresh twists on classic characters like Goldilocks and Sleeping Beauty.

This year, we aim to bring these magical performances to a live setting, making them accessible to all. Our expenses include props, costumes, marketing, and script purchases. To keep these performances affordable, we rely entirely on donations from supporters like you. Every contribution helps us continue this important work. We offer both monthly and one-time donation options to make it easy for you to support our cause.

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