Live Gilmer

Fund the New Gilmer Mirror Mural

Live Gilmer is partnering with community members to update the The Gilmer Mirror mural, once painted with love, is sun faded and crumbling. 

That's a part of life as an external fixture in the East Texas sun, and it's time for an update!

The exterior wall of the building that faces 271 welcomes newcomers and neighbors to the downtown area. It's the first thing many visitors will see, and what could determine if they visit our square - or not! 

Our fundraising goal of $9,000 will cover the cost of paint and materials like scaffolding. The building needs to be safely cleaned in a way that won't damage the historic structure, then sealed and primed, and finally - painted! This all takes time, materials, planning, and labor. Finally, we are no fan of the starving artist cliche. We want our artist fed and happy! The artist is paid for their creative input, strategic planning, and of course - designing and painting! A mural of this size takes about 2-3 months to complete including prep time. Any funds raised beyond the cost of mural would go toward administrative costs for Live Gilmer's involvement.  

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