Aslan Youth Ministries

Aslan Youth Summer Camp Fundraiser

Camp Aslan

Through encouragement and the guidance of a caring adult, Aslan helps children reach deeply within to overcome their challenges and find the strength to endure and succeed.  Plus, we pack so much fun and learning into our summer day camps.  Also, we take campers on educational field trips to the beach or to programs provided through the Monmouth County Park System 2 days out of the week, and the other three days; children participate in arts and crafts, sports, and classes in music, science, computers, and other memorable activities.  Also, we provide transportation for each camper to ensure safety and participation. We pick up every child, every day, for every Aslan activity!  Our summer camp program is free for a child in need.  

* $50 underwrites transportation costs for a child to attend Camp Aslan. 

* $400 fills up the Aslan big blue bus with gas to bring campers to their enrichment activities.

* $100 purchases healthy lunches for a group of campers.

* $250 purchases summer camp supplies and equipment for one cohort of campers.

* $500 purchases entry to camp educational activities (local museums, rock climbing, boating)

* $1,500 - You or your business will receive logo recognition on our website, emails, and social media.

Aslan's Legacy: Become a Recurring Donor for Aslan's Children

Your donation will bring joy plus educational experiences to our Aslan Youth.

  • $10 per month supports Aslan's Alumni committee, creating opportunities for Alumni to volunteer, plan fundraisers, and give back.
  • $60 per month, you can sponsor an Aslan child in our year-round programs (after-school, right choices, and summer camp).

Change the world one child at a time! Support Aslan's summer camp 2024!

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