
Donate to make a difference in TENNTIP Grant Support




This donation will help to achieve the following goals:

  • Existing Grant Subsidizations
    • To subsidize transformational grant opportunities in order to make funding more attainable for south central Tennessee communities
      • Grants through the Tennessee Department of Tourism Development, Tennessee Arts Commission, and other entities will be eligible for a matching funds cost share from SCTTA

      • Eligible organizations will demonstrate how these grants further the overall objectives of SCTTA

  • Multi-Regional Partnership Grants

    • To encourage multi-regional partnerships through the provision of grants that fund collaborative efforts
      • Create space for county partnerships that allow tourism professionals to see beyond borders and mutually benefit through joint efforts

      • Encourage strategic planning to enhance visitor experiences along blueways, bike routes, heritage trails, and scenic routes such as the Natchez Trace

*Please note: the individual examples listed under each donation amount is used to conceptualize the the approximate value of your contribution; funds will go into a general account for scholarships and work study.




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