Freedom's Harbor

The Beginning of Something Greater

Our vision is to build a non profit Christ- centered transitional home for females who have completed rehabilitation or have escaped a human trafficking situation. Freedom's Harbor aims to create a solid foundation for her metamorphosis while allowing her the space to be healed and restored by God's love, patience, grace and mercy. We want to be a beacon of light in her transformation process. This is her launch pad back into society with the necessary life skills needed to overcome and persevere. She will be given the opportunity to learn and be equipped by teaching her how to establish a relationship with God by hearing Him for herself, allowing Him to bring her freedom from her past, and embracing her

God-given future and purpose. These extraordinary ladies will be kingdom builders as they themselves have been transformed by the King of Kings.

Your donation will help a lot to achieve our mission. We'll be able to :

- Support women who have escaped human trafficking
- Change the world

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