Starlings Nashville Volleyball

Help Starlings Nashville Soar

Starlings Nashville is a local nonprofit changing the lives of girls and young women through the sport of volleyball, and we need your help to take our game to the next level.

Founded in 2005, Starlings Nashville has worked to build what no other volleyball club provides - the highest level of volleyball training and competition accessible to any girl who wants to play - regardless of financial circumstances. Traditional club teams in Nashville cost thousands of dollars - which most families can't afford. That's one of the many things that makes Starlings special - no girl who wants to work hard and play is ever turned away. 

While playing the fastest-growing women's sport in the country, these girls also learn teamwork, character-building, and essential life skills like perseverance, accountability, and leadership  Our goal is not only to introduce them to the game of volleyball but to give them the necessary tools to continue their academic and athletic careers.  Over the last two decades, more than 100 girls from the Starlings Nashville program have gone on to play college volleyball.

Here's where we need your help. Our goal is to take 2 teams to the Starlings National Championship in Irvine, California in June. The team needs to raise $30,000 to make that happen. Our players and families are already hard at work collecting donations, spearheading fundraisers, and sharing our unique Starlings story. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today. If you'd like more information on the Starlings program - email us at StarlingsNashville@gmail.com.

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