Israel Lacrosse Association

Ron Mittler. Men’s U20 National Team


Hebrew Name/Nickname: רון מיטלר AKA מיטמיט

Position: Midi


How did you get involved with Israel Lacrosse? Israel Lacrosse did a school visit at my school when I was in 5th grade and I fell in love with the sport.

What does being Jewish/playing for Team Israel mean to you?  As an Israeli kid who grew up watching the Israeli national teams in other sports play for the country and standing proud and loud when singing the "Tikva,"  it was always my dream to become like them in addittion to that I love my country and am proud to be Jewish and Israeli so it is a great privilege and it means the world to me.

What are you most looking forward to in representing Team Israel this summer? I am most looking forward to standing with my friends shouting the Tikva with the gold medals around necks.


What is your favorite Israel Lacrosse memory or moment?  Beating Germany at the U21 World championship 2022 while being a big part of helping my team.




Your donation directly propels me and my teammates one step closer to representing Team Israel on the world stage. Thank you for making this journey possible!


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