Israel Lacrosse Association

Ariel Gini. Men’s U20 National Team


Hebrew Name/Nickname: אריאל

Position: Close D


How did you get involved with Israel Lacrosse? 

I first became involved when my best friend heard they were starting a lacrosse team in our town and he convinced me to play...we were the first two players. Since then I've elevated Herzliya lacrosse to new heights as a player and coach, leading their program to the first ever win over the heavily favorited Netanya LC, being named the Rookie of the Year in the 2020 Winter Bubble, and claiming a spot on the U21 National Team in 2022.


What does being Jewish/playing for Team Israel mean to you? 

Playing for Israel to me is about playing for something bigger than myself. While that can be

said for many teams what makes this team so unique is when we put on the jersey we are not

only representing a country but an entire people. The Jewish people have gone through so

much and yet thrived in the most extreme situations. When I put the Israel jersey on, I think of

the many Jews who came before us and laid the foundation to have the many privileges Jews of

today enjoy. The power and the strength that our people have shown throughout history is

something I think of every time I represent Israel Lacrosse.


What are you most looking forward to in representing Team Israel this summer? 

Playing for my country, and reperersanting all the people that have come before me and all of the players that i have coached playing with me on the team. One of the things that i wished for to happen when i started coaching was to have at least one of my players eventually play with me on the national team!!

What is your favorite Israel Lacrosse memory or moment?

I have two the first being my first ever win which took place at the end of the season, it was the last game of the year. The second was when I started coaching the Herzliya JV and they repeated their season just as I had when I first started. Lossed every game except for the last, where they won just as I had, plus my little brother was on that team.




Your donation directly propels me and my teammates one step closer to representing Team Israel on the world stage. Thank you for making this journey possible!



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