Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies

Irmgard's Legacy: a Campaign for LIMS


On May 15th, 1981 the Laban Institute of Movement Studies officially changed its name to the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies, honoring Irmgard’s contribution as founder of the Institute. A party was thrown at LIMS, by then board member, Patrice Clareman, with over 100 members and friends of LIMS gathered to celebrate the name change. Irmgard was too ill to attend but, then executive director, Jody Zacharias, read a statement to the press, which Irmgard had prepared with the help of, then staff member, Carol-Lynne Moore.

Carol-Lynne recalls, “[sitting] with Irmgard in her upper west side apartment…we crafted the statement together.  Periodically she dozed off, but on awakening miraculously picked up where she left off.”

A few months later Irmgard left this world, but she left behind a legacy which has been carried forward by her colleagues and students, leading to a global community of movement analysts and a proliferation of interest in the field of LBMS. 

Join us in celebrating and strengthening her vision and legacy by ensuring that LIMS, the institute she founded, thrives.

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