Children's Protection Center

Oar & Peace


The atmosphere is electric! The competition is heated! The boom of the drum, the glistening lake, the fireworks, the food trucks, the children’s activities, the cheering of the crowd, and multiple brightly colored dragon-scaled boats neck and neck in fierce pursuit of the finish line… all for a great cause: to help children heal from child abuse and neglect!

By supporting this unique event, your generosity helps expand Children Protection Center's (CPC's) impact, and most importantly, helps position the abused children they serve on a path to hope and healing. 

CPC will be able to continue their FREE services by:

  1. Providing expert advocacy, mental health, medical, & forensic interviewing services to every child who needs them in Pulaski County.
  2. Supporting families in crisis with immediate needs and resources.
  3. Sustaining CPC's home center operations and completing the expansion of the Jacksonville Center.

Join us by "raising your paddle" TODAY! Paddles Up!

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