TRL-CA Membership

Welcome to The Reading League California!

Help us fulfill our mission to promote the awareness, understanding, and use of evidence-aligned literacy instructional practices and curriculum, based on reading science, throughout California.

"Every teacher deserves to know the science of reading. And every child deserves a teacher who knows it."    - Pam Kastner, The Reading League Pennsylvania
Sustaining Member (paid)

Renews yearly

Receive The Reading League National Newsletter, the California Chapter Quarterly Newsletter, access to exclusive events, and an invitation to the annual board meeting.
Pre-service, New Teachers, Retired, or Para-educators

Renews yearly

Receive The Reading League National Newsletter, the California Chapter Quarterly Newsletter, and access to exclusive events. This reduced-rate membership is for pre-service teachers, retired teachers, para-educators, or new teachers with up to 2 years of service.


Free member

Renews yearly

Receive The Reading League National Newsletter, the California Chapter Quarterly Newsletter and access to chapter events posted on Youtube and our website.
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