Damascus Elementary School PTA

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If you would like to send your grandchild/friend/neighbor/student/class a "SHOUT OUT" We will be accepting up to 5 per day. Si desea enviar un "GRITO DE ALEGRÍA" a su nieto/amigo/vecino/estudiante/cl

Adopt A Classroom item
Adopt A Classroom

Sponsor an Entire Classroom at Damascus Elementary! You will receive a letter from your "adopted" class, and your name or business logo will be on our PTA Board in the office, and on our fundraising p

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Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!
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"Reading is Magical" Read-A-Thon

Interested in backing a student, teacher, or your community at large?

Read-A-Thon 2024 is truly extraordinary. Why? Because upon reaching our fundraising target, the ENTIRE SCHOOL will greet a plethora of animals from the Leesburg Zoo AT SCHOOL!  

These kids could really use a victory, and it's up to us to rally behind them. Let's encourage them to dive into their books!

We're putting it ALL into the kids!  Let's support them!

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