Annual Membership

The mission of The Reading League Indiana is to advance the awareness, understanding and use of evidence-based reading instruction across the state, by connecting all stakeholders and providing sound educational resources.  We rely on membership dues and donations as our main source of funding to bring high quality reading resources and events to our state, and we are grateful for your support!  

An annual membership is $35, with options for $10 fees for current pre-service teachers and free scholarships as well.  Membership benefits include: 

1. Financially supporting the mission of The Reading League Indiana
2. Opportunity to become involved in our work and advance the mission
3. Access to a members-only Facebook group for networking opportunities and first notice of upcoming events, job postings, etc.
4. Invitation to one, virtual members-only meeting per year with chapter leadership
5. Monthly eNewsletter from The Reading League, our national affiliate
6. An exclusive invitation to our Saturday morning coffee chat series!! 

Have questions, ideas, or want to become more involved?  Please contact us:

Annual Membership

Renews yearly

Annual Membership for Pre-service Teacher

Renews yearly

Annual Membership by Scholarship

Renews yearly

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Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!