FALL is partnering with the experimental chamber music ensemblechatterbirdon the newest collaborative performance of A Bending Of Its Own Kind, hosted by Dragonfly Aerial Arts & Circus Studio in Knoxville, TN
A Bending of Its Own Kind is a dance performance piece created by FALL Artistic Director Rebekah Hampton Barger about her experience with severe scoliosis and chronic pain. Since 2017, “Bending” has expanded to include the stories of other individuals living with chronic pain, seeking ways to provide resources and community connection.
This spring FALL is collaborating with chatterbird on a new expansion of this project entitled Aspiration which explores the connections between hope and breath, and what each of those means in the face of living with a chronic condition. “It’s no coincidence that “aspiration” means both hope and the act of breathing” (Ted Chaing).
The music and movement for this piece have been developed separately, with both choreographer and composers drawing inspiration from a discussion between five individuals who each live with a form of hypermobility disorder, along with several other comorbidities. The composers will perform a structured improvisation alongside the dancers on May 19 in Nashville, TN at Emerson Hall (click here for tickets).
The musicians' performance will be captured and incorporated into this new staging of the full-length production of A Bending Of Its Own Kind on June 1 and 2 in Knoxville, TN, hosted by Dragonfly Aerial Arts and Circus Studio.
***For those traveling from Nashville: Please note that Knoxville is in the Eastern Time Zone (one hour ahead)***
Tickets: Tickets are offered on a Pay-Your-Wage system. Pay-your-wage is a progressive, honor-system-based sliding scale admission model for live events. The notion: Pay what you make in an hour. With this model, artistic revenue rises as average wages rise, but performances remain accessible and affordable for all.
About FALL: Founded in 2010, FALL is a Nashville-based nonprofit aerial and contemporary ballet company that moves on the ground, in the air, and all the spaces in between. Combining the spectacle of aerial arts with powerful contemporary artistry, FALL creates work that draws on personal experience, deep connection to community, and collaboration across genres to articulate the experience of those living with chronic pain and illness.