Annual membership - individual

Renews yearly

First time annual member will receive a Seattle Koyasan sash that was specially designed for the temple. Wear it every time you are attending events and services at the temple, or offering a prayer at home! Members get advanced notices for upcoming events and services and a preferred member rate for special services. NOTE: we are waiting the shipment of sashes. We'll send them to you as soon as we receive them!


Annual membership - family

Renews yearly

First time annual member will receive a Seattle Koyasan sash that was specially designed for the temple. Wear it every time you are attending events and services at the temple, or offering a prayer at home! Members get advanced notices for upcoming events and services a preferred member rate for special services. NOTE: we are waiting the shipment of sashes. We'll send them to you as soon as we receive them!


Add a donation for Seattle Koyasan Buddhist Temple
Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!

Supporting Membership

Founded in 1949, Seattle Koyasan has been a place of spirituality and compassion for all who are interested in the teachings of the Buddha. Thank you for becoming a supporting member and for joining us in our mission to empower everyone as a future Boddhisattva to make the planet a more compassionate place.