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Supporting Gifted and Twice-Exceptional PDAers by Dr Danika Maddocks

PDA North America Webinar: Supporting Gifted and Twice-Exceptional PDAers

with Danika Maddocks, Ph.D. (she/they)

Is your PDAer very bright, talented, gifted, or twice-exceptional? In this talk, Dr. Danika Maddocks will discuss some of the unique challenges that arise when adults want to better understand and support PDAers who also gifted/twice-exceptional. She’ll also discuss several guiding principles to help parents meet the needs of their gifted/twice-exceptional PDAers at home and/or school.

Dr. Danika Maddocks has supported gifted and twice-exceptional families for over 15 years as a teacher, researcher, therapist, and parent coach. Through The Gifted Learning Lab she provides free resources and coaching for parents with emotionally intense gifted/2e kids, including many families with PDAers. As a twice-exceptional PDAer raising a similarly wired kid, Danika is on a mission to make parents’ lives easier so gifted and twice-exceptional families can thrive.


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