2025 District Conference



Monday, May 5 at 10:00 PM

to Wednesday, May 7 at 5:00 PM

1 Bellevue Ave

Newport, RI 02840, USA

What is your approach to church and advancing the kingdom in your context?  Is it working the way you had hoped?  For some the answer may be yes to this last question, but for many we have a holy discontent with the culture and how we see things in our church’s today.  

The theme for our conference is “New”.  It’s an evangelistic approach to what we do.  As Jesus said in Matthew 9:17—"no one put’s new wine in old wineskins”.  Come explore with us to see what this looks like in our ever-changing culture today.


We will be hosting this year’s conference in an all-new location at the iconic Hotel Viking in Newport, RI. Besides being a wonderful hotel with full amenities this location is within a very short distance of the infamous Newport Mansions, seaport shops and the Cliff Walk. We have built time into our conference for you to go and explore, and we encourage you to check out the Discover Newport site here. Additionally, conference attendees staying at the hotel will have discounts to several area attractions, shops and restaurants simply by presenting your key card.

  • Our conference will begin on Monday, May 5 at 5:30 PM with a dinner session, and end before lunch on Wednesday, May 7. The conference registration will be in the hotel lobby beginning at 4:00 PM. 
  • This is the annual District Conference for Alliance New England.  We love guests (voting and nonvoting) and they are always welcome, but attendance is required for all licensed workers. Permission to be excused must be directed to the District Superintendent.


CONFERENCE- The price for our conference is $199, which includes dinner on Monday, lunch on Tuesday, breaks and for those staying at the hotel, a stipend for breakfasts.


ACCOMODATIONS- We have secured a discounted rate at Hotel Viking of $450 for a two-night stay inclusive of all taxes and fees (Dbl & Sngl). However, in order to get this discounted rate, you must register for the room on this site as you are registering for the conference. 

Please note, this room rate is only available until April 7. Rooms booked after that date will be based on availability and may not be eligible for discount


What is not included in the hotel package is an optional onsite parking for $20 per day. You are welcome to use this option or park off site at no cost on any of the side streets surrounding the hotel.


↪Zeffy, the system we use for processing payments is free to use running on voluntary donations by the purchaser at checkout.  You are not required to donate and/or you can change the amount by clicking on the dropdown as you are paying.↩

ANE District Conference
This is for all conference attendees
Accommodations at Hotel Viking
This price is for two night stay at the Hotel Viking and is inclusive of all hotel taxes and fees. Please note if you are rooming with another individual, only one of you need to purchase a room.
Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!