NATS online sales store

Prices for online sales - includes shipping in the USA.

We have various sizes and colors of T-shirts. If you are interested in purchasing one, please send an email to telling us which design, size, and color you would like. We can then let you know what we have available before you purchase.

Field Guide to North American Truffles (Book) item
Field Guide to North American Truffles (Book)
Shipping included in the US. Sorry, we cannot ship internationally. The guide is organized alphabetically by genus and species. Each truffle species has photos of the truffle and its spores, a written description of when and where it is found, and comments on edibility and other characteristics. The book's introduction has a wealth of information about truffle ecology, responsible harvesting methods, edibility, and other relevant information. At the end is a glossary of mycological terms and translations of the latin and greek words that make up scientific truffle names. Support NATS by purchasing this one-of-a-kind book!


Trees, Truffles, and Beasts (Book) item
Trees, Truffles, and Beasts (Book)
Shipping included in the US. Sorry, we cannot ship internationally. Because today's decisions are tomorrow's consequences, every small effort makes a difference, but a broader understanding of our environmental problems is necessary to the development of sustainable ecosystem policies. In Trees, Truffles, and Beasts, Chris Maser, Andrew W. Claridge, and James M. Trappe make a compelling case that we must first understand the complexity and interdependency of species and habitats from the microscopic level to the gigantic. Comparing forests in the Pacific Northwestern United States and Southeastern mainland of Australia, the authors show how easily observable speciesùtrees and mammalsùare part of a complicated infrastructure that includes fungi, lichens, and organisms invisible to the naked eye, such as microbes. Eminently readable, this important book shows that forests are far more complicated than most of us might think, which means simplistic policies will not save them. Understanding the biophysical intricacies of our life-support systems just might. Support NATS and it's efforts by purchasing this fascinating book!


NATS Truffle Cookbook item
NATS Truffle Cookbook
Shipping included in the US. Sorry, we cannot ship internationally. The new NATS cookbook has many truffle and mushroom recipes, from Truffled Ice Cream to Hedgehog Hedgehogs. Support NATS by purchasing one of the most complete truffle recipe books in print.


Screenprinted Totem T-Shirt item
Screenprinted Totem T-Shirt
Designed by Christine Roberts of British Columbia. Shipping included in the US. Sorry, we cannot ship internationally.
Embroidered Totem T-shirt item
Embroidered Totem T-shirt
Designed by Christine Roberts of British Columbia, embroidered by Gillian Poss. Shipping included in the US. Sorry, we cannot ship internationally.


Sideways Vole T-Shirt item
Sideways Vole T-Shirt
Designed by Gillian Poss of Corvallis. Shipping included in the US. Sorry, we cannot ship internationally.
Forward Facing Vole T-Shirt item
Forward Facing Vole T-Shirt
Designed by Tate McMillan. Shipping included in the US. Sorry, we cannot ship internationally.
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