KBZR 89.9 FM Membership

If you're passionate about music, about radio or just about our wonderful community here in Baker, please consider becoming a member of KBZR. It's the best way that YOU, as a member of the Baker Community, can have a say in shaping OUR community radio station!

Membership Benefits

  •  KBZR's Annual Membership Party
  •  Future Discounts on KBZR T-Shirts, Promotional Items & Event
  •  Opportunity to Participate on the Community Advisory Board
  •  Annual Meeting Invitation
  •  Vote for Broadcast Baker’s Board of Directors



Renews yearly

For $25 per year you can become a member of KBZR and help support independent community radio while enjoying membership benefits and discounts!
Add a donation for Broadcast Baker
Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!