1 day left!
Feb 22 @ 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
203 Vfw Ave
Grasonville, MD 21638
Let's play bingo and have lunch!
For $45 per ticket, you get a sit down soup and salad lunch and a bagel station with the option to purchase sweet treats after lunch if you would like followed by several rounds of music bingo for some great prizes including some cash prizes! Lots of bonus fun with 50/50, raffle baskets and more! Due to limited seating, all children in attendance must have a purchased ticket as well to attend.
Music bingo is a fun spin on traditional bingo that allows you and your guests to jam out to snippets of your favorite songs while playing competitively against other music lovers! Don't worry, others can help you at your table if you need help remembering the song title.
All funds raised will go to benefit Tides of Grace Inc and the mission this nonprofit is fulfilling on the shore.
What is Tides of Grace?
Tides of Grace is a frontline result driven and goal oriented non-profit organization on the Eastern Shore of Maryland that was established with the mission to provide a helping hand to those in need of resources and services. We are committed to accelerating the development of a better and brighter tomorrow by alleviating the negative outcomes that are endured by those in need of assistance through robust partnership and collaboration in the community.
It is our goal to help others overcome their limitations and break the barriers to life challenges. Our hope with Tides of Grace, is to lend a helping hand when someone needs one, offer a judgment free experience with hopes that each person knows and feels that they have a community that cares!
We exist to provide an inclusive and enabling environment in different communities and pride our services on meeting the needs of individuals and families we serve.
Tides of Grace designates each month of the year as a specific donation-type or
community event. Those interested can donate items identified in the monthly lists or
help by making monetary donations. Monthly themes range from prom dresses, clothes
drives, to bookbags and haircuts to Christmas toys. We then host a large event to give
these items that were donated back out to the those in need to the community for free.
We also help support individual needs of the community when an individual is in crisis
and needs specific items. We are re not limited by income-based criteria; instead, we
understand that everyone faces challenges—whether financial, emotional, or physical.
Our goal is to be a supportive, inclusive organization that helps people through all
stages of life with kindness and compassion. Recognizing that everyone may need
support at some point fosters an environment that encourages collaboration and mutual
aid among organizations and people in our community.
Since our founding in December 2022, we have assisted thousands of individuals and families! Without the continued support of our community, this would not be possible! To make this a reality, we rely on volunteerism, fundraising, local partnerships and support from many local business and organizations.
Thank you for helping with our mission and making a difference!