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7/13 Concert Only
Concert Only 13 July 2024 @ 730pm. Location: Unity of Albany, 21 King Ave, Albany
7/14 Workshop Only
Workshop Only 14 July 2024 @ 1pm. Location: John Boyd Thacher State Park, 830 Thacher Pk Rd, Voorheesville (Paint Mine Pavilion)
BOTH 7/13-14 Concert AND Workshop
1+1: 13Jul Concert @ 730pm + 14Jul Workshop @ 1pm. Concert Location: Unity of Albany, 21 King Ave, Albany. Workshop Location: John Boyd Thacher State Park, 830 Thacher Pk Rd, Voorheesville (Paint Mine Pavilion)
7/15 Divination
Divination Session (50-min) 15 July 2024. Location: Unity of Albany, 21 King Ave, Albany
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Albany NY: A Weekend of Events with Bob & Shannon

Event closed

see listing for locations


Where the Light Gets In with Bob Sima and Shannon Plummer

Bob and Shannon are on a summer tour to celebrate the release of Bob’s 10th album New Levels New Devils. Bob has won numerous songwriting awards and grazes nearly every musical genre with consistent spiritually-intelligent lyrics throughout. Expect an evening of entertainment, enlightenment, and knowing that you will leave with a gift in your heart. No one leaves untouched by this musical experience.

Saturday-Monday 13-15 July


  1. Concert: Saturday 13 Jul @ 730pm, Unity of Albany, 21 King Ave, Albany
  2. Message in Music: Sunday 14 Jul @ 10am, John Boyd Thacher State Park, 830 Thacher Pk Rd, Voorheesville (Paint Mine Pavilion)
  3. Workshop: Sunday 14 Jul @ 1pm, John Boyd Thacher State Park, 830 Thacher Pk Rd, Voorheesville (Paint Mine Pavilion)
  4. Divination Sessions: Monday 15 Jul from 1030am-830pm (every hour), Unity of Albany, 21 King Ave, Albany


  • Sat Concert: $30
  • Sun Workshop: $30
  • Sat-Sun BOTH Concert and Workshop: $50
  • Mon Divination Session: $100

CONCERT: Consciousness in Concert on Sat 13 Jul @ 730pm

Bob's music bridges daily life and soul consciousness, the eternal with the now, through instantly accessible songs that take up residence and resonance in your soul. When Sima opens his mouth to sing, what emerges is far beyond the human sounds of his warm and soulful voice. He speaks the language of the Universe, the language of the soul, the language of the heart. But he’s not just singing to his audience. He is the musical navigation that guides people to reconnect to themselves and to each other. Shannon’s harmonies are so perfectly attuned to Sima’s voice that it is as if there is one voice coming from the stage. They bring a catalog of original music, with two powerful voices that can bring any community or gathering closer together in one sitting. Location: Unity of Albany, 21 King Ave, Albany

MESSAGE IN MUSIC: Integration of Spoken and Sung Message on Sunday 14 Jul @ 10am

A divine combination of music, harmony, wisdom, joy, and presence that will lead the audience to their own sovereign truths. Combine stimulating and channeled discussion from Shannon with a unique musical twist from Bob and you have a keynote Message in Music. Our brains retain information best when there are multiple sensory inputs. The songs will drive home the message of the talk to deliver a unique blend of left- and right-brain experiences to your audience. The visual support comes from your fully-engaged imagination. Location: John Boyd Thacher State Park, 830 Thacher Pk Rd, Voorheesville

WORKSHOP: Medicine Wheel Activation: Shamanic Journey through the Four Directions (promo video: on Sun 14 Jul @ 1pm

An invitation for you to connect our human perception of linear time and space with the spiral reality of the soul's journey. The medicine of the Four Directions will be activated in your energetic body. A 2-hour experiential workshop, Medicine Wheel Activation, develops an understanding of shamanic journeying and the significance of connecting to the spirit world as you journey to each of the Four Directions to discover valuable personal insights and gather information to support your spiritual evolution. The experience is a guided journey through the energies of the Four Directions that lead us to the ultimate nothingness when the soul arrives back to the beautiful place where it began, in the knowing and presence of All That Is. The workshop is an invitation for you to connect our human perception of linear time and space with the spiral reality of the soul’s journey. Each leg of the journey will be activated in your energetic body with tools that carry the medicine of each direction: element, spirit animal, geometry, archetype, breathwork, and music. Shannon and Bob simply create the program for you to enter. The call is for you to re-member the All Of You through your own personal journey. Location: John Boyd Thacher State Park, 830 Thacher Pk Rd, Voorheesville

1:1 SESSION: Shamanic Divination Sessions with Shannon on Monday 15 Jul (50-min session)

With help from Shannon's spirit guides and their connection to your spirt guides, the Divination provides information relevant to your present situation. The intention is set that messages coming through are pertinent to what you need to hear today. Though it is important to remember that the spirit world does NOT engage in our human construct of linear space or time. So messages may contain information from your past, present, and future. Something from the past might bring up a forgotten memory that will help you understand and solve a current day dilemma. Something from the future might be a seed planted to initiate a belief and action toward what is coming next. Location: Unity of Albany, 21 King Ave, Albany


Shannon Plummer and Bob Sima are both ordained ministers through the Alliance of Divine Love. Identifying themselves more as “facilitators of remembrance” than as teachers, they love to share the ideas and concepts that inspire them with the intention of triggering internal and external conversations within you.

Bob shares through the lyrics of his songs, which are his lessons that become the soundtrack to a life of continual transformation. Shannon shares through the written word, which represent conversations that she has within herself. She also offers shamanic coaching, which is an integrated expression of direct Peruvian-based initiations and her own practices.

Together, they weave their individual spiritual connections to create experiences for all audiences. Whether an indescribable concert, a contemplative musical meditation, an experiential workshop, or an empowering retreat, they cover the spectrum from spiritual entertainment to spiritual entrainment. You can meet them exactly where you are, and - with your self-guided permission - you may find yourself in an unknown territory where your soul and spirit have been patiently awaiting your arrival.

Shannon Plummer is a powerhouse strategic visioning and intentional creation coach and shamanic practitioner wrapped in a divine package. Her approach combines spiritual, shamanic, and metaphysical wisdom with business and management expertise. Her approach is not only unique, but is extraordinarily powerful and will uniquely serve your walk through this world as you create a passionate and purposeful life. Shannon is an instrument – an engaged observer to the story of your life. She will guide you to and through the blind spots, allowing your higher self and vision to illuminate the true passion that lies within. Shannon’s intuitive and heart-centered coaching and visioning process will gently lead you to a more authentic, conscious, and intentional life. Her unique energy and presence creates a sacred space for expansion and deepening of what is waiting to be expressed. She now guides seekers to find, express, and live their truth in their calling. Shannon brings joy, peace, and possibility everywhere she goes.

Bob Sima is to music what Wayne Dyer, Don Miguel Ruiz, and Eckhart Tolle are to books and Rumi, Hafiz, and David Whyte are to poetry. He is troubadour, a way-shower, a guide, an awakener, and a musical mystic. Through the medium of melody and message, he leads listeners to an expanded consciousness, deeper sense of connection, and inner peace and purpose. His music bridges daily life and soul consciousness, the eternal with the now. He delivers instantly accessible songs that take up residence and resonance in your soul. Sima is a dynamic singer-songwriter, performer, storyteller, speaker, servant of humanity, workshop and retreat leader, meditation and breathwork facilitator, and creative collaborator — often weaving all of these elements into a single performance. When Sima opens his mouth to sing, what emerges is far beyond the human sounds of his warm and soulful voice. It’s a call, a remembrance, a soft and steady place to land. He speaks the language of the Universe, the language of the soul, the language of the heart. But he’s not just singing to his audience and it’s not just a performance. It’s a gathering, a connection – somewhat of a musical satsang or gathering of truth – that navigates the audience on a profound musical journey. Bob has an unparalleled ability to connect audiences in a visceral, powerful way, changing the vibration and consciousness in the room.

Additional information at: https://www.WhereTheLightGetsIn.Us

Video Previews

--I Am the Sky:

--These Mountains:

--Together We Rise:

--No Mud No Lotus:

--Right in Front of You:

--A Promise:

--Healed People:

--Meditation is the Medication:

--Same Energy: