BTOA Membership 2024

Become a member of the Buddhist Temple of Alameda. We welcome everyone to join our Sangha.

When making your payment you are not obligated to donate to the Zeffy platform. This is a voluntary action and if you do opt to donate the amount is at your discretion.

NOTE: $143.06 of the $175 membership dues supports the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA). The Buddhist Temple of Alameda relies on your generous donations to support the resident minister’s salary, educational programs and maintaining facilities.

Thank you.

Individual Adult Membership

Renews yearly on: January 1

Members of the Buddhist Temple of Alameda are also members of the Buddhist Churches of America. NOTE: $143.06 of the $175 membership dues supports the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA). The Buddhist Temple of Alameda relies on your generous donations to support the resident minister’s salary, educational programs and maintaining facilities.


Senior Adults over 80 years old

Renews yearly

New Member - First Year

Renews yearly

A discounted membership for first year members.
Young Adults under 30 years old

Renews yearly on: January 1

Child under 18 and parent is a member

Renews yearly on: January 1

Child under 18 and parent is NOT a member

Renews yearly on: January 1

Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!