Uber Raffle Ticket - a chance of winning
Uber Raffle: 5 + Bonus Ticket
This is a group ticket, it includes 6 tickets
6 tickets total. 5 @ $25 and 1 free.
Add a donation for Chetta’s Girls
Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!

Uber Raffle

Chettas Girls is hosting a raffle with 2 of our non-profit partners: Love N Cherish and Restoration House For Christ. All ticket proceeds and donations will be distributed among each organization to support their work in the community.

We are a trio of non-profits that work together to support our community. We provide resources to local residents to help meet immediate and urgent growing needs. Together we are fighting hunger, food insecurity, and homelessness. 

Help us eliminate barriers and provide access to food and home security. We can’t do it without you, without all of us working together.

*****Come join us*****

You’ll find Love N Cherish at

2199 Mount Holly Road in Rock Hill each Thursday and Friday at the mobile food pantry from 12-2pm. All are welcome.


Restoration House for Christ at

4100 Mockingbird Lane in Rock Hill each

Sunday at 11am for worship and fellowship. All are welcome.

Follow on Facebook @restorationhouseforchrist

Chetta’s Girls

in local West Charlotte and Rock Hill

communities hosting free events distributing free resources and services. All are welcome.

Next event here: www.chettasgirls.org