A half day workshop covering best natural resource management practices, policies and strategies.
This workshop identifies the alternative structures, practices and products available to navigate an uncertain future of increasing glyphosate bans and restrictions. The Midwest Grows Green (MGG) Lawn & Land Forum has invited presenters from across the landscaping and natural resource management sector to tackle this pressing issue. This session will conclude with a tour of Gillson Park in Wilmette that reviews the strategies the Technical Assistance Program recommended to the Wilmette Park District to control the pressure from the invasive weed of lesser celandine.
Who Should Attend: Landscape designers, landscape maintenance service providers, natural resource managers, park planners community advocates and more.
Speakers Include: Midwest Grows Green's Ryan Anderson and Dr. Mark Renz from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
More Questions: Contact Ryan Anderson at randerson@ipminstitute.org or 773-878-8245