Alliance Française du Maine
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Discovering French-Speaking Africa - Part 1

With Willy Tshibangu

8 week session starting the week of April 8, 2024

Wednesdays - 6:00 - 7:30 pm on Zoom

This French course at the advanced intermediate level will take you on a journey to French-speaking Africa. The course aims to help students improve their oral expression in French, as well as their comprehension of written texts in French. Students will demonstrate sustainable communication skills, a strong knowledge of effective communication strategies, and a deepening of critical thinking in the target language.

In addition, this course includes a strong cultural content whose main objective is the discovery and understanding of the African Francophonie, with a survey of these countries: Senegal, Cameroun, Algeria, Morocco, Democratic Republic of Congo,  Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire. We invite you to take a virtual trip to French-speaking Africa and to deepen your knowledge of the French-speaking world through films, reading, music and cartography.

We advise you to purchase: “La culture francophone- Le monde à l'écoute" (Hackett Publishing Co.) - (Available on Amazon. Not included in registration).

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