GCHS Band Membership Form

Please enter information on the form below to process your GCHS Band Boosters Membership for the upcoming year.  You'll be sharing contact information as well as indicating areas of interest for possible volunteer opportunities.

We look forward to being ALLSET with you!

Please note - additional donations to the GCHS Band (found on the first page) or the Zeffy Platform (found on the order summary page) are NOT required to process membership

Single Active Membership

Renews yearly

Parents/guardians/other individuals providing mandatory financial support of students actively enrolled in the Program. Families are limited to 2 Active Members. Each Active Member shall have one vote.


Two Active memberships

Renews yearly

Parents/guardians/other individuals providing mandatory financial support of students actively enrolled in the Program. Families are limited to 2 Active Members. Each Active Member shall have one vote.


Single Associate Membership

Renews yearly

Associate Member: Those individuals who are not eligible for Active status above. Associate members may not vote or serve on the Executive Board but may volunteer for events (Bazaar, Concessions, etc).


Two Associate Memberships

Renews yearly

Associate Member: Those individuals who are not eligible for Active status above. Associate members may not vote or serve on the Executive Board but may volunteer for events (Bazaar, Concessions, etc).


Add a donation for Grove City High School Band Boosters
Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!